We want to supplement the master plan of the Friendship Park with a holistic concept. Street furniture, the pavilion and the market square should appear in a uniform image. The goal is the possibility of functionality, the accessibility for the visitor barrier-free to the functionality and functionality of the recreation area. The following rights of the design were coordinated with another and form a uniform overall picture in the park. The town is owned by Staken cultural monuments and heavy architecture. Our projects should be light and open, but meaningful. The reduced use and ornaments leaves room for interpretation and gives the user free space to think and grow in different ways. The traditional perception and continuation of the family and gender roles shape the public rum, dies in our thinking of design. The family stands in the Middle of life. Our design should be open and always culturally aware, but follow the tradition with personal interaction.
We create a space in which trade, art, music, craft and all kinds of cultural events can take place. Our idea is simple and structural, mobile creates space for presentations of all kinds. The interface between history and literature should be preserved for the younger generation. The concept of the interaction of opposites is to be united here in this market square and park. Festivals of all kinds, cultural spectacles and art are connected and made tangible. This needs a framework that we will now introduce in our design. Communication is an essential part of the design. The room should communicate with people. This communication needs an appropriate framework that we create. The approach was to make the knowledge of various, technical, historical, artistic, political and comprehensive knowledge of the cultural heritage and the people in architecture tangible. This must be flexible and able to react to visitors and users. The interplay of residence, trade, craft, art and design creates these spaces and for people.
We create a space that rewards teaching that unites craftsmen and all kinds of art and culture. Our idea is to create simple and structural space. The concept of the interaction of opposites is to be combined here in this learning space and park. The pavilion communicates with the environment in every imaginable art and manner. The approaches were to make the differences across different, technical, historical, artistic, political and comprehensive in the same heritage and people tangible in architecture. An innovative room, garden and training workshop are created.